Spiritual Philosophy
The questions below explore the nature of Spirituality from a philosophical viewpoint. Clicking on the question will take you to my answer The interpretations provided are my own personal observations through meditation primarily and also personal reflection & which do not invalidate the experience or opinions of others.
1. How do Intellect and Intuition differ in their mode of perception ?
2. Perception and Apperception in Spiritual Development
3. Is the desire to exist a conscious or unconscious state of awareness?
4. What is the difference between a trauma and a samadhi ?
6. Is the third dimension the memory of the fourth dimension utilised in the nature of perception?
7. What is the difference between an Experience and a Realisation ?
9. Is Love within creation a Colour process or a Light process ?
10. Is ‘Now’ a Form or a Space ?
12. Does Buddhi have any Repetition ?
15. Can light play a part in enquiry into the universe or are only colours involved?
16. Is it possible to have love if we have a centre or is love only found as the centre disappears?
17. Is the gap between thought and buddhi created by colour ?
18. Are levels of consciousness layered on top of one another or are they inter-penetrating?
19. Can we take anything into higher levels or can we merely witness them?
21. Can we Think of the Light of God or only the colour white?
23. Must perception exist simultaneously from buddhi to senses or is it segmented ?
24. When Lao Tzu says when we achieve something we lose it what does he mean ?
25. How does love differ from desire? Is there any will in desire, or is this diminished?
26. Is Enlightenment A Permanent State ?
27. Is God Beyond the Subtle Light and Sound Energies ?
28. Can the Spiritual Seeker ever be Conscious of God ?
29. Do the Light and Sound Energies go Beyond the Seven Bodies of Man ?