The Sun Tarot Card (B.O.T.A. Deck)

Spiritual Path Summary

1. The World: The seeker sees the limitations of the World around them, wants a deeper meaning to their life and strives knowledge beyond the physical senses.

2. Judgement: After a period of preparation involving breath and mantra meditation, the seeker is Initiated into the Light and Sound Energies and becomes an Initiate.

3. The Sun: Just as the Sun sustains life on earth, the Spiritual Sun (Inner Light) sustains the growth of the Initiate in meditation. They have the revelation of the 1000 Petalled Lotus, the doorway to the path of Light and Sound and higher planes of consciousness.


Applied Symbolism of the Sun Tarot Card

The Sun:

We see the Sun and its rays as the main feature of the card, beholding a human face. The Sun represents the spiritual energy of the Light and Sound now available for the Initiate to meditate on. It can manifest very profoundly or with great subtlety.

The Light gives the Initiate the inner spiritual vision of the higher planes of consciousness. It is now up to the Initiate to make the most of their opportunity and put aside the requisite amount of time and diligence to make their meditation productive. The progress of the Initiate will depend upon the quality of their meditation. Most people of Western Culture can take some time to let go into these subtle energies, although there are always exceptions where people have a natural ability to progress quickly.




Face within the Sun: 

Is symbolic of the Initiate in meditation with their consciousness seated in the Spiritual Light rather than the world. Meditation starts when thought stops!

The Rays of the Sun:

They number 64 in total, the number of hexagrams the I Ching. This implies that the Spiritual Sun is the source of the whole of Creation and thus in meditation, the Initiate is merging back to the source of all life. It is also the number of squares on the Chess Board and for a Spiritual Chess Anaology please use this link: Spiritual Paradigm of Chess.


13 Yods (Quanta) of Light:




There are two groups of 6 yods on each side with the 7th uniting the Twins at the forehead. It is the number 7 that is important and the fact that it is placed parallel to the third eyes of the twins. The number 7 has major significance in all of main religions:

  • The Koran speaks of seven heavens and Muslim pilgrims walk around the Kaaba in Mecca (Islam’s most sacred site) seven times.
  • In Hinduism there are seven higher worlds and seven underworlds,
  • In Buddhism the newborn Buddha rises and takes seven steps.
  • In Christianity, the Old Testament tells us that the world was created in 7 days, a symbolic number for the completion of creation, manifest from the planes of Light and Sound into the physical world we know.

The Wall:


This is the only thing that is man made in the card and represents the solid material world. It is 5 layers high representing the 5 senses. Walls are structures that divide things and so we only see division in life unless we begin to look beyond the 5 senses. It is only when we begin to use intuition that the walls of the intellect brake down and we can begin to find a sense of oneness with things. But that is only a beginning as Intuition is not Enlightenment.



Four Main Sunflowers:

The four main sunflowers represent the 4 kingdoms of nature as identified by Alice Bailey; Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and Human. They face the twins implying that these kingdoms look to man to evolve in consciousness.

There are also 5 Kingdoms in total which reflect the Evolution of Consciousness throughout Creation:

The Fifth Sunflower:

Smaller than the others is in bud and represents the those humans who are looking for a Spiritual Path, the Sun, in order to grow. It is turned away from the world and sees only the light of the Sun. So in life, this represents those who have seen the limitations of a worldly existence and are seeking the Light of a Spiritual Path. In the image above, it represents the Kingdom of Evolved Souls.


The Twins:

Both twins are naked symbolising that they have thrown off their wordly garments are ready to be open to the path of Spirit. This is a joyous moment of openness and innocence as a new spiritual consciousness emerges within the Initiate through their meditation.

The Twins have blonde hair in contrast to the dark hair of the figures in the previous Judgement Card. Blonde hair represents the illumination of consciousness and the outward life of the Initiate as they begin to be a living demonstration of Spirit in the World around them.

Although the twins are separate, they are also joined together by holding hands. The Initiate must strive to nurture both sides of their nature; the masculine and the feminine exist to be expressed in harmony rather than being supressed. At this stage of the Spiritual journey the Initiate does not see the Oneness behind the Creation, but still has one foot in duality, as hinted at by the roughened grass explained below.



The Circles of Grass:

The grass is distinct as it has a circle of rough grass that has been disturbed by the feet of the twins. This area represents the ‘Footprint’ the Initiate makes in the world, their Karma & Action. Upon Initiation, they have ‘One Foot in Spirit’ to use a metaphor. They have a foothold in the purity of Spirit, the smooth grass but do not yet know their true relationship to it yet.

Much work needs to be done on the Inner Planes of Light and Sound to go transcend Creation to Enlightenment, the Spiritual Journey has Just Begun !

Next we will look at the Moon and how it relates to the next stage of the Initiates Path to Enlightenment.

The Sun Tarot Card (B.O.T.A. Deck)
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