The Moon in Astrology Introduction

This article discusses the role of the Moon in Astrology, which indicates the personality of the present incarnation. The sign in which the moon is placed, together with the sign on the ascendant, often gives a clearer picture of a person as we know them, rather than their Sun sign. The Moon sign shows the emotional response to people and their environment.

Moon in Astrology


Time to Transit Zodiac = 30 days.

Time in Each Sign = every 2 1/2 days.

The Moon is associated with water and the tides, and sensitive to the environment around it. There is a need for safety and protection that is consistent and predictable. This is why the Moon is also associated with our mother, who provides such comfort and nurturing. As we grow up this sense of need doesn’t really change and as an adult we can find this continued safety in relationships, lovers, money or possessions. Each Moon placement has their own set of triggers and their own way or reacting, and each person has their own emotional journey to work on.



Moon in Astrology Glyph


The glyph we use for the Moon in astrology is the alchemy symbol for silver. It is also a drawing of a crescent moon (☽).

The crescent represents the spirit. Partly in the light but mostly in the dark, it shows us how there are qualities in ourselves that are partly visible and seen in the world, and parts of us which are hidden.

There are many impulses, emotions, memories, and subconscious knowledge lying below the surface which our thoughts are unaware of. 




Moon Mythology

 In mythology, a lunar deity is a god or goddess of the Moon. 



  • In Greek mythology, Selene “Moon” is the goddess of the moon. She was responsible for controlling the movement of the moon across the sky and is depicted wearing a lunar crown.



  • We also have Armetis (Greek) and her Roman equivalent Diana. She is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the Moon, and chastity.


Moon in Astrology Keywords

Moon in Astrology

The Lunar Ray

When the lunar ray dominates the horoscope it gives a quiet authority, tenacity and endurance (similar to the qualities of a stable mother figure). These people are drawn into positions of leadership and management and have sympathy and understanding for the feelings of others. They may be drawn into careers such as social work, catering and businesses supplying food and nourishment. All of these are concerned with nurturing in some way.

Balanced Moon Ray

When our Moons needs for safety, stability, comfort, and nurturing are met, we are at our best.  Nothing much gets to us, for even when we have bad days, we know everything is temporary and the dark moods will pass. Optimism is easier to fall into, and our positive attitudes make us happier, more confident individuals. Most importantly, we have stability.

A healthy moon is open and receptive to the feelings of others, and able to give and receive comfort when it is needed. When our feelings are expressed and heard by the people we love, we have a sense of comfort and fulfillment.

A strong lunar ray can make people psychic, intuitive, receptive rather than easily hurt. Good politicians and MPs can have a strong solar ray as they are good at judging the needs and feelings of others.


Imbalanced Moon Ray

The unhealthy Moon, whose needs are not met, whose life is churned with chaotic changes, feels weak and vulnerable. This can occur when our home life and relationships are dysfunctional and when a person’s emotions are troubled with stress and anxiety, they become moodier, more unpredictable, angrier, and more childish. 


Rulership of the Moon in Astrology

The Moon rules the zodiac sign of Cancer, the sign of home and family. People born under this sign are very family orientated. They are often good home makers and managers and like working with children and in nature. They are very receptive to the feelings of others and so need to protect themselves from being overrun by other people’s emotions. The home is therefore important so these natives can withdraw from the harshness of the world.

The lunar ray is also associated with rituals and magic and so Cancerians can be drawn to the occult. They have good management of their resources, just as a mother manages her household and feel a responsibility for the future of their family dependants.

A strong family sign, this often gives Cancer natives a love of the past which can take the form of a study of history, ancient civilisations and antiques.


House Rulership of the Moon

The moon rules the 4th house which is associated with:

  • The home and family environment.
  • One’s personal and private life.
  • Retirement and the later stages of life.
  • The occult (especially in the latter years).

The Moon: Exaltation, Detriment and Fall

Moon in Astrology







The Moon in Astrology
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