Ten of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial

My new YouTube channel is: Thoth Tarot Videos. The Ten of Wands Video can be viewed clicking the image link below:

Ten of Wands


(ii) Thoth Ten of Wands

In the Ten of Wands, 8 of the wands are tipped with claws and barbs. They are crossed in the background with the 2 dorjes forming bars in front of them. This is the force of energy of the Wands from Kether which is now detached from its spiritual source.


Ten of Wands


(iii) Rider Waite Ten of Wands

The Rider Waite version of the Ten of Wands shows a man carrying an overbearing amount of wands towards a town almost within his reach. He appears to be weighed down by the weight of the wands but he is nearly at his destination.


(iv) Numerology

Numerologically, ten is 1 + 0. The Aces (1) represent new possibilities or potentials and the Zero represents unity or the situation you have taken to its limits. The Tens can therefore represent situations in which we feel oppressed by limitations or stagnating , but they offer the potential for change onto a new a deeper meaning of our life.

The number 10 is represented by the Decad and for Pythagoreans, ten was the perfect number. In the Greek number system the completeness of 10 is see in the tetractys (1+2+3+4 = 10) :


However in tarot, ten represents the point at which the sequence of the nine single digits has ended and so common meanings associated with the tens are fulfillment, reaching ones limits, fullness, abundance, excess and completion and so the only way to move on is by a new beginning, which then refers to the next suit of the minor arcana.


(v) The Tree of Life and the Four Worlds

Path 10: The Resplendent Intelligence

All of the tens of the minor arcana are associated with the final sephiroth, Malkuth and the Path of Resplendent Intelligence which illuminates the splendour of all the Lights (Sephira). At first reflection it may seem out of place that the last and most material sephira can be the illuminator of all the other sephira, but the concept arises from the grounding of the energy in matter, making it a visible expression on all the planes of existence and its stabilisation in form.


Ten of Wands

Malkuth is the only sephira that does not form part of a triangle and yet it receives energy from all. It is considered the end result of the activities of the sephira above. Although divided into 4 parts (pertaining to the four elements), this division of elements refers not to the physical state but their underlying astral counterparts prior to consolidation on the earth plane.



Four Worlds

Malkuth in Atziluth: The spiritual energy of the wands is cut off from the top of the tree in Malkuth which is not really part of the tree of life. Whilst the dorjes of the 2 of Wands show direction of the force of Chokmah, in Malkuth the initial energy is far from its source at the top of the Tree and the dorjes become oppressive. This can lead to personal qualities such as selfishness or being overly ambitious and controlling without considering the feelings of others.

Ten of Wands


(vi) Astrology of the Ten of Wands

Decan: 3rd decan (21 – 30°) of Sagittarius ruled by SATURN. All of the 10’s relate to the LAST decan of the mutable signs, which in turn represent the last change of a season which must pass before a new season can begin:


Saturn in Sagittarius

“Sagittarius is spiritual, swift, light elusive… Saturn is material, slow, heavy, obstinate and obscure”  (Book of Thoth p.194)

Sagittarius wants to expand and express its optimism & philosophical qualities. Saturn brings with it restriction order and so it oppresses the expansive nature of Sagittarius.

The astrological glyphs are confined between the 2 dorjes to illustrate this restriction of energy.

Ten of Wands Ten of Wands


All the the Tens occupy the last decan of a mutable sign and represent the end of one cycle and beginning of another. This relates to the 4 seasons as shown in the image below:

(vii) Ten of Wands Symbolism

A summary of the main points is found in the image below:

10 of wands





The Ten of Wands is the only Ten where there is NOT a Tree of Life diagram in the symbolism.







Dorjes = These are from the 2 of Wands (Dominion) & have been stretched into bars and are coloured black to represent Saturn and Malkuth and their qualities.

8 Wands = these have claws and barbs to free themselves (without success). The fact they have claws shows that their energy is less refined than the wands of the earlier cards.

Flames =  emanating from the junctions of the crossed wands, they are distorted and random. 

Orange Background = representing Geburah in Atziluth. This emphasises the severity of Geburah which was associated with the Five of Wands influencing the Ten.

(xiii) Nine to Ten of Wands Transition

Ten of Wands

The Nine of Wands highlighted the need to tap into our skills to overcome a challenging situation. This quality is needed in the Ten of Wands where we have a situation that is making our life devoid of its fun, creative and spiritual side. Whether in a work or relationship environment we need to identify closely why we have been stuck in such a situation and begin to make those decisions whereby we can free ourselves from feeling imprisoned.


(ix) Shemhamphorasch Angels of the Ten of Wands

 Reiiel: When negative, limiting situation, impasse. Fanaticism, hypocrisy. Propagation of dangerous and false ideas. Prisoner, bigotry, opposition to altruistic actions, mistrust.

Ornael: Multiplication of materialization. Sterility, corruption, lack of good planning. Vivisection, poverty, impatience, genocide, extermination, and devastating fury


(x) Divinatory Meanings of the Ten of Wands

“It is a will which has not understood anything beyond its dull purpose, its lust of result, and will devour itself in the conflagrations it has evoked” (Book of Thoth, p195-195).

 conflagrations =  an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.



Ten of Wands Upright

Ten of Wands


1. Our desire to do something is blocked and no matter how hard we try, we cannot seem to reach our goal.This can make us begin to lose faith in ourselves and our ability to get what we want.

2 If this comes up in the final position of a spread it means don’t waste any more time in a situation that we cannot win

3. A situation (work, relationships) in which we are not allowed to experience life as we would like, and we are weighed down with too much pressure (work environment) or perhaps having an overly controlling or demanding partner (relationships).

4. Spiritual experiences: feeling trapped after having a great realisations and now you have to deal with the mundane again. However, being in a physical body allows us to liberate others and inspire them through our own realisations and experiences. Matter is just a manifestation of spirit.

5. Someone in your life who is overly ambitious in a material sense and pursues their mundane goals to the detriment of you and others around them.



Ten of Wands Reversed

Ten of Wands


 1. Self-harm/ destructive habits, emotional problems as a result of being unable to express or connect with our emotions

 2. Domestic violence / bullying.

 3. Generosity or self sacrifice in a destructive or intimidating situation

 4. Losing your sense of identity and what you want from your life due to a repressive work or personal environment. Feeling as if you are losing your natural spirit and inspiration for life.

 5. A long term relationship with someone who is materialistic and oppressive to your spirituality and outlook on life. A lack of spontaneity and excitement.





(xii) Ten of Wands in the Celtic Cross Spread


Card 1: (Heart of Your Situation) = feeling oppressed in your current work or relationship situation. Unable to express yourself.

Card 2: (Obstacles/Challenges) = the need to deal with a person or situation that is stopping you from experiencing your life fully.

Card 3: (Subconscious Influences) = perhaps we don’t feel worthy enough to find our true self expression and freedoms after being dominated or weighed down by our choices in life so far.  Good counselling can assist overcoming negative thought and behaviour patterns.

Card 4: (Your Recent Past Affecting Situation) = coming out of a dominating relationship and we now feel free to explore life’s adventures once again.

Card 5: (Your Hopes & Goals) = to reduce work commitments so that you can travel, have fun and live life more spontaneously.

Card 6: (Your Immediate Future) = a situation that is likely to reduce your free time and bog you down with responsibility (Saturn).

Card 7: (How you are Handling the Situation) [if reversed] = putting off with an overly dominant and controlling person in your life.

Card 8: (Your External Environment) = very demanding of your time and you have great responsibilities weighing on you ( e.g. family life)

Card 9: (Guidance and Warning) = you need to connect with your heart, the source of your inspiration to begin to remove oppressive situations otherwise these will continue to dominate your life and trap your spirit.

Card 10: (Your Overall Outcome) = cut a situation loose that you have been putting time and energy into and not getting your ‘food for the soul from. Freedom after ending an oppressive relationship or overly demanding and dull job.


(xiii) Recommended Video Links

Paul Hughes Barlow

Marveena Meek


Ten of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial
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4 thoughts on “Ten of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial

  • 15/01/2021 at 1:47 am


    Thanks for this commentary on the 10 of Wands and other cards elsewhere!
    As you have written about the Tarot in connection with the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere, I am wondering how Tarot works in the Southern Hemisphere? Should It be reversed for those living in the Southern Hemisphere, e.g. 10 of Wands becomes 10 of Swords from December 13 to December 21?

    Also, do you think the Chaldean order of planets around the Zodiac is more relevant or appropriate in meaning, as opposed to the elemental/Zodiacal rulership of planets, e.g. Saturn in Sagittarius (Chaldean) versus Sun in Sagittarius (elemental/Zodiacal – Leo being the last decan)?

    Kind Regards

  • 10/04/2022 at 3:23 pm

    Superb! Your knowledge is commendable! Will not get so much in one place anywhere….Thanks!

  • 02/01/2024 at 12:50 pm

    I greatly enjoy coming to your website. You illuminate the cards so thoroughly. Thank you!!

  • 05/12/2024 at 10:45 am

    I don’t see the ends of the wands as “claws”. Rather they look like little flames to me. If you look closely, you see little flames also on the wands themselfs. The fire energy is “tamed” by the influnence of Saturn. Therefore we see the restriction, which is a problem with all active 10s.

    Thank you for everything you do here it is very much appreciated!


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