Mercury in Gemini A brief description of the essential nature of Mercury in Gemini in their astrological context. The orbit of Mercury is close to the sun and that means you sun sign is in either Taurus, Gemini or Cancer.
Seven of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial

(i) Seven of Wands Thoth Tarot Tutorial My new YouTube channel is: Thoth Tarot Videos. The video presentation for the Seven of Wands can be accessed by clicking on the image below: (ii) Thoth Seven of Wands Valour Definition: great courage in
Thoth Fool Tarot Card Tutorial

(i) Thoth Fool YouTube Video My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos. and the 2018 video presentation for The Fool can be accessed by clicking on the image below: (ii) Thoth Fool Introduction The Thoth Fool is
Meditation Diary November December 2017
Meditation Diary November December 2017 A summary of my Meditation Diary November December 2017 including meditation times and notes of any spiritual study completed for that day.
How Shall I Attain The Lord Dr Randolph Stone
How Shall I Attain The Lord Dr Randolph Stone How Shall I Attain The Lord Dr Randolph Stone is a Discourse by Sardar Charan Singh Ji Mahara and gives practical advice on liberation of the soul through Light and Sound
The Souls Travel Dr Randolph Stone
The Souls Travel Dr Randolph Stone The Souls Travel Dr Randolph Stone is a chapter in his Mystic Bible dealing with the battle between the soul and the mind on the spiritual journey. For those wishing to have Initiation or
Hard Sayings of Jesus Dr Randolph Stone
Hard Sayings of Jesus Dr Randolph Stone The Hard Sayings of Jesus Dr Randolph Stone looks at some contentious quotes and puts them in context of the spiritual path and journey of the soul. For those wishing to have Initiation
Meditation Diary May 2017
Meditation Diary May 2017 A summary of my Meditation Diary May 2017 including meditation times and notes of any spiritual study completed for that day. Meditation Diary for May 2017 Links Spiritual Hierarchy Light and Sound Meditation Pure Energy Meditation
The Fall of Jericho Dr Randolph Stone

The Fall of Jericho Dr Randolph Stone The Fall of Jericho Dr Randolph Stone reveals the mysticism of this story of Joshua and the 5 kings in relation to Inner Light and Sound Shabd Meditation. For those wishing to have
Mysticism of Lot His Wife and Two Daughters

Mysticism of Lot His Wife and Two Daughters In the Mysticism of Lot His Wife and Two Daughters Dr Randolph Stone looks at the symbolism of this story and shows that it must be taken out of its literal context