(i) Judas Iscariot The Traitor Introduction and Video This article looks at the YouTube videos of Bill Donahues talk on Judas Iscariot The Traitor and emphasises the Judas aspect in each one of us as playing an essential part in resurrecting the
Crucifixion Allegory Part 1
Crucifixion Allegory Part 1 Introduction The Christian belief is that God allowed Jesus to be tortured to death in a horrific way through the crucifixion in order to forgive us our sins in the present day.Was this an actual event
True Spiritual Baptism
(i) True Spiritual Baptism Introduction True Spiritual Baptism discusses the spiritual initiation into the 5 levels of consciousness,something more profound than traditional interpretation. First however we will review this traditional viewpoint before forwarding an explanation far deeper than simply wetting
Gold Frankincense and Myrrh Allegory
(i) Gold Frankincense and Myrrh A Traditional Analysis Gold Frankincense and Myrrh Allegory : In the story of the first Christmas, the Magi, or three wise men, are said to have offered the newborn Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold is always
Burning Bush Talks to Moses Symbology
(i) The Burning Bush talks to Moses : Traditional Story Burning Bush Talks to Moses Symbology looks further into the energies and planes of consciousness which are evident in the allegory of the Book of Exodus. First we will review the
St Thomas Gospel V11 to V15
(i) St Thomas Gospel V11 to V15 In this article we will discuss the mystical text of St Thomas Gospel in relation to meditation on the light and sound within. Continuing on this series we will look at St Thomas
St Thomas Gospel V6 to V10
(i) St Thomas Gospel v6 to v10 This gospel is a collection of teachings attributed to Christ. We look at St Thomas Gospel v6 to v10 and its relationship to light and sound meditation. (6) His disciples questioned him and
St Thomas Gospel V1 to V5
(i) St Thomas Gospel v1 to v5 An Introduction St Thomas Gospel V1 to V5 :In this article we will look at interpretating the saying from the Gospel of St Thomas v1 to v5. This gospel is a collection of
Samson and Delilah Biblical Symbology

(i) Samson and Delilah Traditional Story Samson and Delilah Biblical Symbology : Much has been written about Samson and Delilah, a story from the Old Testament. When Samson fell for Delilah, a woman from the Valley of Sorek, it marked the beginning of
Tithing to Melchizedek Part 1

Tithing to Melchizedek Part 1 Introduction In this article entitled A Tithing to Melchizedek Part 1 we will discuss the significance of this often misunderstood person of the Book of Genesis. This article is based on a YouTube video Tithing to