Pluto in Astrology Introduction
This article discusses the role of Pluto in Astrology, the last of the Generational Planets, as well as its role in the development of the soul. It is said to be a higher octave of Mercury’s ray of wisdom, and they share a similar style glyph.
Time to Transit Zodiac = 248 years
Time in Each Sign = Pluto spends about 21 years in each sign (varying from 12 to 31 years) due to its orbit characteristics.
It’s orbit lies at an angle of about 17.5° to the ecliptic and is so eccentric that at times it comes nearer to us that Neptune:
Pluto could be a comet as it is made up of rock and ice, very unlike the Gas Giants before it (Neptune, Uranus). Comets, like asteroids, add something new to, or transform established patterns.
Pluto’s position in the natal horoscope represents beginnings and endings, especially when aspected with the luminaries (Sun, Moon) or the angles. In the progressed chart it is often associated with major change such as marriage, the childbirth/pregnancy, a new career and emigrating to a different country.
Glyphs of Pluto
The glyph used to represent Pluto are shown below:
The left glyph shows a circle within a crescent which are above a cross. The crescent (soul) is upward pointing and receptive to the influence of divine wisdom or spirit (circle). This evolution of the soul is grounded in our daily karmic experiences (cross of matter), but this evolution of the soul comes at a price as the transformation experiences in our life to achieve this can often be traumatic as we have to let go of things we are attached to.
The right glyph is a combination of the letters of Percival Lowell, who formed the beginning of the effort that led to the discovery of Pluto 14 years after his death in 1961.
Mythology of Pluto
In Greek mythology Pluto (Roman: Hades) was known as god of the underworld, capturing the beautiful maiden Persephone, making her live with him in his kingdom for 6 months of the year, before he released her again bringing spring and summer to the earth. I have discussed further detail in the mythology of Pluto in the article on the Three of Cups of the Thoth Tarot.
In the horoscope, the meaning of Pluto is very similar in that it can represent beginnings and endings.
Pluto and Mercury Association
There are some similarities between the glyphs of Mercury and Pluto, and this is reflected in their close association:
Mercury (Hermes) was supposed to conduct the souls of the departed to Pluto (Hades):
Mercury is concerned with the gaining of knowledge, communications, spoken and written word and Pluto is viewed as a ‘Higher Octave’ of Mercury. Since Pluto’s discovery there have been tremendous advances in communications, and these might have already have evolved into inter planetary or inter-galactic communications. There are also novelists and dramatists that have Pluto predominantly placed in their chart ( building on the word association of Mercury).
However, most modern astrologers view Pluto as a higher octave ruler of Scorpio, a sign of birth, death and secrets.
Pluto in Astrology Keywords
The Ray of Pluto in Astrology
Balanced Pluto Ray
(i) Survival Instincts
- The need to protect our homes, family, county, and fundamentally transform the world into a better place are all positive Pluto traits.
- People pulling together during a disaster to save whoever they can. It is us, risking our lives in the face of violence and oppression, to save the ones who mean the most to us.
(ii) Positive Transformations
- Environmental movement of 2019,
- Civil Rights Movements of 50’s in US.
- Revolutionaries that take money and power from an oppressive regime and liberate themselves with the choice to choose their own leadership.
- Pluto will take everything that you think you need away from you, just to show you that you’ll be fine without it.
(iii) Death and Rebirth
Pluto severs the silver cord which binds the soul to the physical body, and at the appropriate time allows the soul to reincarnate for another life experience.
(iv) Mysitcal Experiences
Interest in the afterlife, spirituality and reincarnation has increased since the discovery of Pluto. Its influence is often seen in the chart of those that are destined to influence a wide group of people, and those on the spiritual path to Initiation.
Its is also associated with secret societies of occult matters and other paths with secret teachings which are not for the masses.
(v) Application of Sexual Instincts
Being associated with the sexual or creative forces, Pluto like Mars, gives a strong urge for self-expression. This gives qualities such as courage, independence and drive when positively expressed, and cruelty, vengence, greed and the need for power when negatively expressed.
Imbalanced Pluto Ray
Pluto does not tend to operate at speed but is there in the background over a period of time until it’s effects become obvious, and then it often causes traumatic change.
Negative Transformations
1.Within Generations
Pluto also governs power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination, and of course, personal power. Examples include:
- Racial prejudice in the US and the Civil Rights Movement,
- Nationalism of Germany during Hitler’s reign.
- North Korea Despots
Pluto was discovered in 1930, a period of economic depression and rising fascism. These reflect both the depths and intense power with which this planet is associated.
2. Within Individuals
Within ourselves, we keep certain aspects of our character a secret. We know that if anybody knew about our sexual depravity, our violent urges, how we plan on working the system to gain an advantage.With Pluto, you play your hand close to your chest, trust no one, and keep your plans to yourself.
Rulership and Test of Pluto in Astrology
Both Pluto and the 8th house are only interested in the deepest and most intense emotions and experiences; those that will transform us.
Pluto is seen as the ruler of Scorpio, the sign of transformation and secrets. The prominence of Pluto in the chart represents the urge to search for that which is hidden, unravel mysteries, and even enter ‘forbidden territory’ so to speak. This can relate to secret societies, spirituality, the occult and sexual taboos.
Pluto knows that life is impermanent and that change is the only thing that is guaranteed. So Pluto in astrology uses its influence by encouraging us to embrace change and be able to go with the flow and allow old structures in our life to fall away.
Scorpio is associated with death and rebirth. There’s a Sufi saying, “Die many times before you die,” and Pluto’s lessons hold out the promise of emerging from the process a new person. We might not think we exist without the ground beneath us, our sense of who we are may be shaken, but if we’re brave we come to discover there is life after this kind of transformation of the lower self.
Pluto in the Horoscope
In the chart, the position of Pluto by sign will be shared with other people in the same generation due to the comparatively slow movement of Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system.
Where we find Pluto in the chart is where we either seek change and transformation, or have it thrust upon us if we refuse to accept our deepest needs.
The House position of Pluto is key to understanding which area of life will enact the most dramatic transformation. It’s often the area that you grasp for with the most longing. The birth chart often points to a lifelong meditation on some issue. We often have to undergo a difficult letting go process and build faith in life itself, for miracles to occur.
Pluto in aspect to other planets in the chart colors those energies with obsessive qualities, power struggles, the need to find deeper meanings, and willingness to explore and examine.