(i) Pisces Biblical Astrology Introduction
Pisces Biblical Astrology explores the significance of Pisces in relation to Biblical Scripture and the evolution of consciousness in man. Pisces is represented astrologically in the image below :
As we have seen from a previous article, the ancients started the zodiac cycle at VIRGO representing Virgin consciousness and ended with LEO (ruled by the Sun) or Christ consciousness :
Pisces is significant in that it is the 6th sign just before the 7th which is Aquarius & is associated with the New Spiritual Age. Mary asked Jesus to fill 6 stone pots with water which he converted to wine (John Chapter 2) , the wine representing spirit (which is intoxicating).
Upper Fish = higher consciousness, looking upwards, our higher aspirations
Lower Fish = lower consciousness which prevents the higher from ascending
They also represent the two sides of Pisces which are well known in modern astrology: the spiritual/intuitive aspect and the reckless, addictive lower aspect.
The symbol for Jesus was the fish and is represented by Christian figures such as the pope wearing a fish hat:
The Aquarian Age is here and so with the ending of Pisces, the 6th age we go into the 7th, the Sabbath, with Aquarius. It corresponds to the 7th chakra and the 7th city in the Book of Revelation.
John 21 : 6And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.
This refers to the right spiritual side of man, so casting your net means putting your awareness to the spiritual side through meditation enables you to catch the upper fish (higher consciousness) of Pisces.
153 fish were caught and 1 + 5 + 3 = 9, the number of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.
For a detailed account of the loaves and fishes miracle click here.
Matthew 4: 17From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
18And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
Matthew 4 : 19And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
This is implying that his disciples will have to put everything they know and own to one side and follow Jesus to be the true fishermen i.e. find God and be an example for others to follow.
Both are struggling to get free and yet both are tied. The band that ties them is fastened to Cetus (The Sea Monster). In the diagram below the fishes are in the upper right corner:
So Cetus is holding BOTH fishes in bondage.
There are 3 decans of Pisces :
- The Band
2. Andromeda (The Chained Woman)
3. Cepheus (The Crowned King)
(ii) The Three Decans of Pisces and their Biblical Astrology
The Band
Ties the Fishes tails together. This is understood by the fact that it is a RESTRICTING quality that binds the upper and lower consciousness or the 2 fishes respectively. It is the tie that binds the two. The role of Jesus in freeing them
The Piscean age is the 6th age, and is the age of preparation for the Aquarian age. Jesus says when you see the man with the pitcher of water enter the upper room :
Luke 22: 10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water
Psalm 107 : 13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
distresses = unable to grow spiritually
Psalm 107 : 14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
band = constellation which controls the 2 fish of Pisces. He frees their higher consciousness which has been restricted be its tie to the lower
2. Andromeda (The Chained Woman)
The image below shows the decan of Andromeda in relation to Pisces:
There are 63 stars in the constellation of Andromeda. 6 + 3 = 9. The chained woman is the human spirit which is chained. We have seen from previous articles in the Mystic Bible section that ‘woman’ represents either the emotions or the human spirit. She is chained like the fishes to the sea monster Cephus.
Al Phiratz = bright star in the head of the woman and this name means ‘broken down’. When our life is hard and our spirit chained, our life seems broken in these moments.
Al Amak = star in left foot which means ‘struck down’
Isaiah 52 : 2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.
shake thyself from the dust = see the spiritual light and come out of your lower mind into higher consciousness.
Jerusalem = higher consciousness
captive daughter = Andromeda
Zion = Mount Zion, meaning a place ‘raised up’.
In this verse it is saying that the spirit (Andromeda) of the higher consciousness (Jerusalem) is chained and needs to be set free.
3. Cepheus (The Crowned King)
The redeemer coming to rule.
Cepheus = translates into ‘The BRANCH.’
Al Deramin = star in right shoulder means ‘come quickly’
Al Phirk = bright star in his abdomen which means ‘the redeemer’
Al Roi = a bright star in his left thigh which means ‘he who breaks’ This refers to him breaking the bands which tie the two fishes or aspects of Pisces together.
John 15 : 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
The redeemer is the Christ (or Krishna) Consciousness within us
(iii) Conclusions
Through a study of the decans of Pisces we are reminded of the bondage that is present between the higher consciousness and lower nature. Both are tied to earthly things ( Cetus, The Sea Monster).. this is not Cepheus which represents the third decan. The latter or Christ (Krishna) consciousness come to break the band (first decan) and bondage of the dual aspects of man.
(iv) Links
25 Pisces The Fish A Swimming Lesson – Bill Donahue
Light and Sound Meditation Group
Biblical Astronomy’s core subject and purpose is the pictorial story and reality of a coming king, a coming promised seed of a woman, a man, a redeemer. who will defeat evil. These are markings as Signs in the celestial sphere of coming events since the making of the stars and their placements by God are ancient, some prophecies have already come to pass. The entire celestial story is not subject to interpretation unless the star names are changed or bastardized as did the Romans with their iconic, fantastical MYTHologies which hide and pervert the ancient truth of the story. So the stars do declare the glory of God as Psalms 138 discloses and speaks one story only, there is nowhere in the world where their voice is not heard. All Biblical Astronomy is the announcement of the coming Christ, they herald the prophecies of his coming, his position, his mission, his character and his accomplishments. Some have been fulfilled, some have not yet, namely the destruction of the fallen angels. Only the truths in the bible meshes with these ancient meanings of the stars.
Astronomy and Astrology are worlds apart in meaning. Astrology asserts that the movement of celestial bodies effect events in one’s life, whether they believe it or not. This field is entirely subjected to interpretation as to the actual consequence of such movements. However belief of the interpretation then energizes the fallen spirit realm on earth to exercise the outcome. Or the outcome matches what the “conduit” medium spoke (if there is one involved). So this can’t actually be called a science. In that aforementioned practice people are being allegiant to celestial bodies for answers and for quality of life, not to the true Creator God and furthermore enlists the deceiving services of these fallen spirits which only deceive. So that is why this activity was/ is strictly forbidden in the scriptures.
The author here presents some truths from Bullinger’s “Witness of the Stars”. A book documenting the most ancient Arabic names given to the Constellation’s and the stars thereof thousands of years before the Roman Mythology or the advent of the practice of modern astrology. Even before the advent of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Roman Catholicism and all the others. The stars names actually depict the most ancient of any story that exists, there is only one story documented which is more ancient, which is the fall of Lucifer.
It is interesting that the author here uses the biblical meanings of the stars to mesh and figuratively allude to eastern religious philosophy and the goal of higher consciousness. All Biblical Astronomy concerns the announcement of the coming Christ. There is no subjective interpretation needed and they are literal truths. The basic teaching of consciousness and a goal to gain a higher meditative consciousness is not a subject or concept addressed anywhere in the bible. Biblical Astronomy’s core and only subject and purpose is the pictorial story and reality of a coming king, a coming promised seed of a woman, a man, a redeemer. The author here believes the celestial message is a clarion call to higher consciousness, not the celestial announcement of the coming redeemer. To change or dismiss the intent of God’s (the creator’s) message is dismissing the story of the true Christ and his accomplishments. To change the literal message and substitute it to figurative meanings teaching eastern higher consciousness is anti-biblical. Because Jesus Christ is the subject of the bible, to dismiss and change that story has a biblical term attached to it, which is anti-Christ.
All eastern religion teaches that everyone has a source, a spark, a flame of the divine inborn within them. Thus meditation is required to become aware of it, to learn of it, to align self-consciousness and actions to that divine nature. Because this is all internal and can only be experienced internally, there are extreme limitations. If “All Truth” comes to one only by this internal self practice, then “truth” can’t be verbally communicated directly as a tangible set of principles to be immediately applied for benefit.
However the Christian bible tells of a different scenario entirely. That all people are born in trespasses and sin and without God and without hope in the world (Ephesians chapter 2). So now everyone must make a dire choice, which of the opposing concepts is true.
The bible teaches a redeemer came to redeem mankind from sin and his accomplishments reconcile us with a ’new birth’ which is God’s seed (of holy spirit) which is that so called eternal flame, that eternal spark, that eternal life. A child of God by spiritual birth by real spiritual seed created by God. Because Adam’s bad choice to sin carried that corrupted blood throughout all humanity. By only one man’s bad choice all became sinners…that’s just not fair. God made an escape, a reconciliation available. When confession of the Redeemer Jesus Christ as Lord is made (not Krishna) and belief that God raised him from the dead, seed form God is then inborn in that person. its called the new birth. As the bible says, as by one man’s transgression, all became sinners, so by one man’s obedience, all become righteous. Thats why it is a free gift. It’s easily communicated, easily accessible, easily and immediately applicable truth.
The uneasy part, the impossible part is to believe it. That is why the bible says narrow is the path that leads to life. Broad is the way to destruction (eternal death/eternal nonexistence) because people are intelligent, learned and the bible is taught, believed to be labeled as fable, myth and foolishness. People are led to believe it contradicts itself, that God didn’t author it, that it was authored by just religious zealots. So yeah, if you believe all these scriptural washouts and untrue criticisms, broad is the path. Time and deliberate scriptural study shows the minute accuracy of scripture, even excruciating accuracy in the Greek…as you would assume if it was authored by God and watched over by Him. But broad is the path because 90% of Christians have been schooled and taught the traditions of men or taught by the educated intelligentsia, which puts us back where we started from. So what is called “truth” is basically up for grabs and everyone’s take on it.
I’m sorry, this is really hard to believe, but it’s my destiny.. I’m a Pisces and I researched the Mirach star a lot before I became bipolar and as a result, my bipolar disorder was revealed… The doctors said that I would never come back to my senses, it was impossible to get better, my girlfriend didn’t give up, and we got married, my treatments were very hard…. I was staying in the hospital with special care, inpatient and alone, ECT and I was taking a lot of medicine… The doctors said I couldn’t have children again, but, with a very special dream, my child was born with a normal birth, I’m sorry for my English but I’m a MUSLIM person and my child’s name is the Turkish pronunciation of your messiah
and do not forget that before Hz. Isa (AS) came Hz. Musa (AS) and many prophets; when people corrupted and changed the religion, ALLAH sent a new prophet, this is true in the bible, the last prophet mentioned is Hz. MUHAMMED (AS) and his book, the QURAN (HOLY QURAN) came. And as the whole world knows, no other prophet or book was revealed, you cannot show it, we Muslims; We believe in all prophets, but the last book, the Quran, came, which also has it written in it that people cannot change, if you open it, read it and research, you will not find any change or deficiency, of course, you need to find the reliable and correct translation in the original book, translations, thank you for taking the time to read it, may ALLAH protect you
Sorry this.
I want you to please delete the previous comment. Because it was special to me, and telling about a destiny that was perfectly similar to the stars in the sky, made me uneasy… My story is too long and I don’t want to tell it. Sharing the life that ALLAH c.c gave me was uneasy.
Ande never forget that ALLAH is one, the Creator of EVERYTHING, he cannot have any human weakness, he cannot be born, he cannot be given birth, he does not need any being, everyone needs his existence, one of his names written in the QURAN is (ES-SAMED), its meaning is; everyone needs him, and he has no deficiency, defect, need…
Fabulous comment! I 100% believe in the story of the stars. There are 12 signs each year, for an adulterous generation that doesn’t see, only the sign of Jonas. I believe Satan is a celestial black hole that is thrown into earth, blocking sunlight for 3 days- silence in the heavens, something blocks our view of the stars- Apocalypse means Revelation.
I want to learn more.
Had a dream or” vision” months back and have been trying to figure what it means. I saw a hand leave a small shiny fish or lure in the water, the hand left went away and all that was left was the shined fish-lure floating and 360 ripples in the water. I woke and instantly heard “faith of leviathan” Since then I’ve been trying to figure what it meant if anything. I didn’t even know what leviathan was till that morning. Any ideas would be helpful
The job 41 Leviathan is Cetus, the sea monster. It lures. The constellations are mentioned in the book of Job.
Where are the other signs? I need all 12.