Neptune in Astrology Introduction

This article discusses the role of Neptune in Astrology, in particular its relationship with Pisces well as its role in the devolution of the soul.



Time to transit the zodiac: approx 165 years

Time in Each Sign: 14 years




Glyphs of Neptune

In the glyph of Neptune we have an upward pointing crescent which was seen first in the glyph of Mercury. This indicates the receptiveness of the soul to spirit, lying above the cross and limitations of matter.

Neptune in Astrology

The glyph on the right consists of three arrows above a cross, it symbolizes upward ascension of the soul, in several directions, up and away from the ground below. The upper half of the glyph wants to move onward and outward, but it is held back because it is grounded to the physical limitations of the material world. This is why Neptune in astrology has so many connections to Enlightenment and the Spiritual Path and overcoming the limitations of matter.




Mythology of Neptune

Neptune is the Roman God (Greek: Poseidon) of the sea, and the deep, ocean blue color of the planet Neptune reflects this. Its glyph is taken directly from Neptune’s trident.



Neptune Keywords

Some keywords associated with Neptune in Astrology:

Neptune in Astrology

From these keywords we can develop themes to explore the different ways Neptune’s energy can be expressed in the world, in both a healthy and unhealthy way.


The Ray of Neptune in Astrology

This ray predominant in a horoscope can result in spiritual illumination on the one hand, or deception and self- undoing on the other. For people who are very materialistic with no spiritual inclination its influence may not be felt, and yet if awakening to this Ray of Neptune does happen, they often find the solidity on which they based their life values begins to dissolve away.

The ray of Neptune is linked to the Pituitary Gland which is involved in the process of expanding man’s consciousness into the larger spiritual realms.

The highest gift of Neptune is the union of man with God, the finite with the infinite, but this often needs the discipline and responsibility of a well aspected Saturn Ray. This makes the individual a more well balanced vehicle for spirit to flow through them, raising their consciousness as well as demonstrating the Love of the divine in the world at large.

Balanced Neptune Ray

The healthy, mature or positively-aspected Neptune can have selfless desire to make the world a better place by showing compassion and love. The idealist image they hold of what the world could be is built out of the love for humanity and belief in the inherent goodness of people, their potential for great things and the power of love over hatred and fear. This side of Neptune is giving, but doesn’t allow others to take advantage of them, and it doesn’t encroach on the boundaries others may ask for. 

It erases the boundaries that exist between races and religions, genders, sexualities, until there is a deeper soul-to-soul connection with our fellow human beings. This is one of the highest visions of Neptune.

The Neptunian influence can also help inspire artists, musicians and poets, by sensitising the soul, making it open to inspiration from higher levels of consciousness.


Imbalanced Neptune Ray

Like a drop of water dissolving into the ocean, Neptune loses all sense of self to merge with the collective. It sacrifices itself, its own dreams, ideas, ambitions, goals, and happiness – to become what other people want (or need) them to be.

Neptune seeks to merge people together as one harmonious entity. But it can be at the cost of personal identity and space, which can breed difficulties on more intimate, interpersonal levels, leading to depression, addiction, and a loss of happiness in one’s life. In an unhealthy way Neptune can make the nervous system so ultra sensitive to the harshness of existence, that it makes people want to escape at all costs, perhaps through drink or drugs.

In relationships Neptune’s lack of boundaries leads people to become invasive, obsessive, clingy, needy, and annoying. They do not put up interpersonal boundaries themselves, either, and give all of their time, money, love, and effort to whoever demands it the most. 

Neptune is also related to the desire for fame and glamour, but the realities of it often cause havoc in the lives of the famous.  Celebrities often encounter addiction, exploitation, abuse, lost youth, and number of powerful figures demanding what they do, what they wear, how they eat, what they look like, and how they act. Society wants to believe that this fictional character is real and when they discover the very-human reality underneath, it comes as a great shock.


Rulership of Neptune

Neptune is closely associated with Pisces and the 12th House. Pisces is a deeply imaginative, creative, emotional, and spiritual sign, seduced by the arts, the allure of fame, and the words of spiritual teachers. Pisces needs to learn to disconnect from people in order to see the world more clearly. It has been said that Neptune is a higher octave of Venus, which is exalted in Pisces.


The Test of Neptune in Astrology

It energises the mystical or spiritual side of the person, which as illustrated above can be expressed in a healthy or unhealthy way. The test of Neptune is to be able to explore the soul’s journey spiritually, be open to its inspiration without drifting into unhealthy means of escapism through addictions and delusion.

In the horoscope, Neptune is most useful when combined with a well aspected Saturn Ray, helping the individual to bring their dreams and inspirations into practical manifestation, as well as helping to prevent them from veering into the more negative expressions of this planets energies.




Neptune in Astrology
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4 thoughts on “Neptune in Astrology

  • 11/06/2020 at 10:40 am

    Hi. Thank you for your article, it gave me all the information I need about Neptune. I relatively recently started to get involved in astrology with and I was interested to know what impact this planet has on me. Still, without fanaticism, I relate to my hobby. In the end, the planets do not control, but guide me. I myself am responsible for my actions, the planets cannot be blamed for everything.

  • 18/07/2020 at 7:04 pm

    Ive been dealing with the energy of neptune for 4 yrs now and its god is a female and its energy is feminine. Me being the 3rd person of the trinity i just want this straightened out. Everything else said about neptune is 100 percent correct.

  • 14/07/2021 at 10:08 am

    Thank you so much for this article. This has been my whole life…30 years since my dad passed. Which make sense with the cancer new moon and aquarius full moon in cancer and those where his sun and moon. Something about this energy is very sexual..I wish I could put into words…but I have cut through the illusions finally and find my peace almost..just have to gain my security and stability now… thanks


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