Mars in Astrology Introduction

This article discusses the role of Mars in Astrology, its rulership, dignity, exaltation and fall, and also its role in the evolution of the soul. 

The strong Martian ray is easy to recognise in its purely physical manifestations, but becomes more complex and subtle as the solar energy is transmuted to the astral, mental and higher planes.

In its most evolved expression, the energy of the ray of Mars awakens a desire for spiritual knowledge, and the urge to penetrate the subtle planes of consciousness which must be transcended to find God. This knowledge is then expressed for the good of humanity. The soul has experienced the material world and has now broken out of its karmic cycle of birth and death.


Time to transit the zodiac: Approx 2 years

Time in Each Sign: Approx 1 and a half months.




Glyph of Mars in Astrology

For Mars in Astrology, the glyph we use  (♂) is the alchemy symbol for iron, but you may recognize it as the universal symbol for the male gender. As a combination of an arrow and a circle, it can be seen as a person driven forward and upward towards some goal or desire. Originally, some speculate that it depicted an iron spear and shield but it can also be seen as the erect penis and body of a man, making it a phallic symbol. 

This is the first planet of individual directed willpower, often focused on the basic tasks of daily survival and the primal urges involved in perpetuating human life.  The arrow also symbolizes dynamic activity.  With the arrow over accentuated, we can be impulsive or display an excess of passion and anger.  With the circle (ego) over accentuated, we can appear egotistical and full of ourselves.  With the symbols in balance, we have the confidence and self-discipline to achieve our objectives by sending our vitality outward into the world to get what we want in an effective and non aggressive way that does not trigger conflicts.

If the circle (our sense of self) is under accentuated then we lack confidence and struggle for identity.


Mythology of Mars

Mars was the Roman god of war and second only to Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. Although most of the myths involving the god were borrowed from the Greek god of war Ares, Mars, nevertheless, had some features which were uniquely Roman. Considered more level-headed than the often impulsive and disruptive Ares, Mars was also seen as a more virtuous figure by the more martial-oriented Romans. As a protector of Rome and the Roman way of life and as a defender of city borders and frontiers, important festivals connected to warfare were held in his honor.

Mars was considered the father of Romulus and Remus, the mythical twin founders of Rome.






Mars in Astrology Keywords

The table below illustrates some of the common keywords associated with Mars in Astrology:

Mars in Astrology

The Ray of Mars in Astrology

(i) A Stable Mars Ray

In a positive light, Mars is our greatest source of bravery, confidence, and courage. With the Mars ray working in balance, we are strong, and able to stand up and fight for what we believe in. We can use this energy to climb the corporate ladder, assert ourselves in a positive way and achieve our ambitions and goals. Most people who achieve any degree of fame and success will have the Martian ray well developed.


(ii) An Unstable Mars Ray

If the Mars Ray is unbalanced by being too strong it can make us selfish, rude, erratic, and overwhelming for other people to be around us. It takes away our self-control and blinds us to the feelings of others as we act on impulse without due thought.

It can also lead the soul into all kinds of risky enterprises, for it gives the urge to respond to a challenge no matter the risk. Such people need instead to be engaged in work which they find completely engaging and which stretches their limits . 

In extremes, Mars becomes violent. In the past, we needed our primal nature to survive a world divided by predators and prey. Now we use it to wage wars and oppress nations and cultures when the power of Mars is abused.

However, if the Mars Ray is unbalanced by being too weak, it can make us cowardly, insecure, and a doormat for people to walk all over us. It takes away our drive and motivation. 

When Mars is weak in a natal chart there can be lack of physical energy and a tendency to give way before obstacles. It is the Martian ray which gives fight and endurance, with the individuals refusal to be troubled by setbacks, and the general ability to cope with adverse circumstances. Without this strength the nature tends to be indolent, indecisive and indifferent. 

Mars Ray in Aries (Love in Action)

Souls born strongly under this cardinal fire sign are born pioneers. They have vision and enthusiasm, entering wholeheartedly into any project they undertake. They are quite undaunted by difficulties and opposition which only strengthen their resolve to win the battle.

Mars in AstrologyAries is the first sign of the zodiac and may be said to rule all beginnings. In the physical body it rules the head, and Aries people usually have the type of mind always alert to see and follow new trends. They are naturally progressive and natural leaders. They love to forge ahead with some new project, but tend to lose interest once it becomes well-established and there are no more interesting battles to be fought. At this point the Aries person will hand over responsibility and go on to some other new project where new trails can be blazed.

Although the Martian ray is not in itself artistic, it is notable that many fine artists, particularly in the musical world, have this ray combined with a strong Venus influence.The Venus ray on its own would not give enough strength of character to fight the battles necessary to achieve public recognition. The Mars ray gives the drive and dedication, also the will to work towards success, while the Venus ray gives the artistic appreciation and inspiration needed for the real artist.

The soul lesson for those with the Sun in Aries is that of love in action.  It is truly creative, a driving force which can transform a situation, either in a small group or a nation for the better.

House ruled: 1st House

This is the house of the self, the soul coming into action in the physical world, personal likes, dislikes, abilities and weaknesses. Planets in this house all have a strong effect on the personality and physique.

Mars is the instrument of the solar fire (Sun) and energy brought into material manifestation. It is the energizer of the zodiac.

Through Aries, Mars rules the head, the power of the intellect, which in the evolved man must be fully developed and able to direct activity in all the skills of the physical life, be they practical, athletic, artistic or scientific.  

Mars Ray in Scorpio

Those who have Scorpio (the negative or water sign of Mars), on the Ascendant, or who have Mars rising in a negative sign, often hide their energy and determination beneath an apparently quiet and introvert personality. They are watchful of their opportunity, and achieve their ends through subtlety and intensity of purpose.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign and together with the Moon, animates the astral or emotional body which can produce a range of intensity of emotional highs and lows.

The fire of Mars arouses deep emotions through which the soul is taken on a journey through a life of potential heights of joy and depths of sorrow. Resulting actions can be impulsive and not thought through and are the result of deep emotional experiences and can be every destructive or vengeful.

Scorpio is known as the most secretive sign and in previous generations was said to rule ‘secret parts’ of the body. This refers to the reproductive system and sexual organs.

Relating this to the emotions, Scorpios feelings are hidden inside herself and she does not reveal them easily to others. However the closer she is to someone the more she wants to know their deeper self for ultimately she wants a deeper connection with them.

Just as Scorpio is the sign of life, death and transformation, so in life itself she wants to transform herself and others through these deeper emotional experiences and connections.

As Scorpio seeks to understand life deeply, she will often go into areas of life which others avoid.  Qualities of dual rulership are noted here with Pluto (a higher octave of Mars) directing interests into the occult & mysticism and Mars providing the necessary impetus or driving force to learn them.

Through Mars, Scorpio has great willpower and tenacity along with her emotional sensitivity and receptivity. Although they may hide their thoughts and feelings under a calm exterior, beneath there is great fight and determination to achieve their ends.

Scorpio is the sign of death and afterlife and so many are drawn into such professions as surgeons, psychics, psychologists, lawyers of estates of the deceased.

All of the water signs teach the soul the lesson of ‘Peace’, and so there is an opportunity to redirect the emotional intensity of their base nature by control of the lower vehicles through spiritual unfoldment. Here the will of Mars is restrained in the lower self and directed into creating a more harmonious life of spiritual unfoldment.

Through Scorpio, which as outlined above, is associated with the physical and sexual organs, Mars rules physical conception, birth and death. However, through spiritual endeavour the the soul has an opportunity to learn the great mysteries of life and death itself way beyond a single physical incarnation.


House ruled: 8th House

This is traditionally the house of death and all matters connected with after-death states, i.e. on the physical plane legacies, wills and the administration of estates, and on the inner planes, life after death, occultism and spirituality It is also connected in a general way with any process of transformation or major transition in the life.

Mars in Exaltation Detriment and Fall 

The table below shows gives some explanation of the exaltation, detriment and fall of Mars in Astrology.

Mars in Astrology



Mars in Astrology
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