How do Intellect and Intuition differ in their mode of perception ? Consciousness = all the limits which play a part in the intelligent understanding of creation and this includes intelligence itself, which does not know how itself came into
Perception and Apperception in Spiritual Development
How does Perception differ from Apperception ? Apperception is completely different from perception. Perception = a process involving 3 things: Subject (knower) Object Knowledge Apperception = the knower is BOTH the subject and the object. If you could understand apperception
Is the desire to exist a conscious or unconscious state of awareness?
Is the desire to exist a conscious or unconscious state of awareness? Firstly the nouns: is desire a state of awareness? Well there is all the necessary ingredients: someone who has the desire, the something that is desired and the
What is the difference between a trauma and a samadhi ?
What is the difference between a trauma and a samadhi? Perhaps we can begin by drawing a diagram representing the self and some basic environments: (i) Our Sense of Self (ii) The Action of Stress on our
Fear is the limits of what we know, so is fear in thought or out of thought. Does thought inform or does it keep separate?
Fear is the limits of what we know, so is fear in thought or out of thought. Does thought inform or does it keep separate? So how do we know what we know? As a baby we don’t recognise colours,
Is the third dimension the memory of the fourth dimension utilised in the nature of perception?
Is the third dimension the memory of the fourth dimension utilised in the nature of perception? Perception requires subject, object and knower. Memory is related to identity, as is really just a change in perception The 3 dimensions are
What is the difference between an Experience and a Realisation ?
An experience may be conscious or unconscious i.e. reactive behaviour where as a realisation allows knowledge or insight into how consciousness works for all humanity generally and cannot be contradicted by time and circumstance. Two examples of a realisation are
Is the concept of an inside and an outside an illusion caused by the fact that one cannot eliminate memory from concentration?
Defining terms : Concentration= focussed awareness. Memories = changes in perception. Occur over and are influenced by time, the fourth dimension. The arrow in the diagram below shows increasing speed of concentration
Is Love within creation a Colour process or a Light process ?
Is love within creation a colour process or a light process ? We tend to think of love as one of the finest aspects of creation, so it would be easy to associate “Love” with “Light” if that Light is
Is Enlightenment A Permanent State ?
Is Enlightenment a Permanent State ? The original transmission from The Spiritual Hierarchy stated : “The permanent state of which you speak cannot be permanent, within a physical body.” Here is an example response: 1. I agree that we do