(i) Burnt Offerings A Mystical Interpretation In this article we will look at Burnt Offerings A Mystical Interpretation. However firstly we will examine the traditional viewpoint. The Hebrew word for “burnt offerings” actually means to “ascend,“ literally to “go up
Jesus Mystical Name
(i) Jesus Mystical Name Introduction Jesus Mystical Name discusses the title of “Jesus the Nazarene” as applied to Jesus as having a spiritual significance instead of denoting a place of origin where he grew up. The Gospel of Matthew explains that the title Nazarene
Constantine and Christianity

(i) Constantine and Christianity Introduction The story of the Roman Emperor Constantine and Christianity begins in 274 CE. in a town called Naissus, a baby boy was born out of an encounter between a Roman soldier on leave and a
Melchizedek and Biblical Root Meanings
(i) Melchizedek and Biblical Root Meanings Introduction Melchizedek and Biblical Root Meanings : In this article we will look at words in the Bible and demonstrate that by breaking down the parts of the name and looking at their Hebrew