Astrology: The Jones Patterns

This article titled ‘Astrology: The Jones Patterns’ formed part of module 7 in a series of discourses on learning Astrology by members of the Lifewave Light and Sound Meditation Group. It was written around the mid 1980s and originally titled ‘Shaping of the Horoscope Chart’. The original document can be viewed at the end of the article, I have just added some modern images in my reproduction and updated the text for last Jones pattern ‘The Splay’



The general shape of the chart will provide many useful clues as to the individuals ‘Centre of Gravity’ or basic nature. On Completion of the full interpretation of the chart the initial impressions will usually be proved correct. When you gauge the charts shape only use the ten planets, not the ascendant or midheaven.

There are seven major shapes a chart can have. They are : –

  1. The Splash
  2. The Bundle
  3. The Locomotive 
  4. The Bowl 
  5. The Bucket
  6. The See-Saw
  7. The Splay

We will look at each one of these in turn and learn how to identify the shape and discover what effect it is likely to indicate.Let’s start with The Splash.


In this shape each one of the ten planets will occupy a different house and will be evenly distributed:

Generally this indicates a person with a wide scope of interests. The person’s effectiveness is largely dictated by any planets around the midheaven and the ascendant. Aspects made to either the midheaven on the ascendant are also of strong significance. Splash people are at their best when they cover a broad range of subjects. They are at their worst when they scatter their energies in many different directions without achieving any results. There is a correspondence with some of the traits of Gemini and Pisces subjects.




In a Bundle all the planets are grouped in a 120 degree area of the chart:

This shape is a good indication of a specialist, possibly in an academic career. Such people are able to cover one subject in great depth. Individuals with this shape are very highly concentrated to the exclusion of other areas of life. As a result they lack a balance, this creates a lot of tension which is not easily resolved. Due to the confines of the bundle there are rarely any trines in the chart that might be able to ease the tension. The Bundle is quite a rare shape.




The Locomotive leaves 1/3 of the chart bare of planets. So the Locomotive shape only takes up 240 degrees of the chart.

An exaggeration of the occupied 2/3rd’s is the likely effect of the Locomotive. However this is at the expense of the missing 1/3rd of the chart. Of particular significance is the planet leading the others round the chart (in the anti-clockwise direction). It is possible to achieve integration with this shape if compensation can be found for the other 1/3rd of the chart. Locomotive people are able to apply drive to problems that come their way. They possess an exceptional amount of energy. The correspondence with the sign of Aries is evident from this last statement.




With all ten planets in an 180 degree arc the Bowl may cover between two and three quadrants (as defined by the ascendant and midheaven).

There are two distinct effects the bowl causes. If it covers mainly the lower half of the chart the subject will be subjective and work in an emotional way relying on their feelings. On the other hand if the Bowl covers the upper part of the chart the subject will be more objective and be of a practical nature. Bowl people are self contained, tending to scoop up experiences. Of particular interest is the planet that leads the others in an anticlockwise direction. If this planet is for example Jupiter and in a compatible sign like Sagittarius the effect will aid the subject. Conversely Saturn leading,in say, Capricorn will not help much at all since the bowl has a correspondence with Capricorn.



Basically this is a bowl with a handle. The handle is formed by a single planet. This single planet may even be conjunct to a planet forming one of the Bowls edges.

The handle indicates where the main goal in life lies. Because of this bowl people are very directed to a single purpose. The handle must try to compensate for the one-sidedness of the Bowl. This requires a strong planet in a good sign that is also well aspected. The handle is a focus of energy as well as a channel for the other nine planets. Bowl people are usually unconcerned with playing safe for they are constantly driven on by the desire to achieve their objective.




Composed of two dense groups of planets directly opposite each other, it is not necessary to have five planets in each of the groups to form this shape. But there should be at least a 60 degree section of the chart on each side of the two groups that is bare of planets.

Always able to see and appreciate contrasting views are qualities of See-Saw people. This shape may indicate a genius, together with all the difficulties that such a gift can bring. There is a great deal of tension and a strong tendency to switch between extremes. There is likely to be many oppositions formed in this shape. These tensions cannot be easily reconciled as the shape makes the formation of trines unlikely. The life of a See-saw person will have two quite distinct phases. These changes are difficult to understand, by those people who know the person with this shape. The subject may also be confused as well!



A Splay is essentially a tripod pattern. It must have three separate segments with at least one empty sign between them.

A person with this pattern will have enormous talent and potential that needs deliberate attention to be developed into worthwhile skills. The person will be an individualist, with no desire for a regimented or highly organized way of life, and they will seek to avoid becoming trapped in routine.

However, there is often the difficulty that there is a lack of relevance between the different skill sets, so that the person may not derive the full benefit from them. 



Astrology: The Jones Patterns
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