Ace of Cups Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial
My in-depth YouTube Video on the Ace of Cups of the Thoth Tarot deck may be viewed below:
(ii) Thoth Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups is the feminine counterpart of the Ace of Wands, with the cup suspended between heaven and earth. A ray of white light comes down in a beam and its refractions and reflections are the different colours of creation. This light is seen in the Rider Waite deck as coming from a dove or the Holy Ghost.
(iii) Rider Waite Ace of Cups
The Rider Waite Ace of Cups shows a chalice overflowing with five streams of water representing the 5 senses. Below the palm of the hand is sea covered with lotus blossoms, signifying the awakening to the sea and limitlessness of cosmic consciousness. A dove descends towards the cup – a symbol of the gradual aligning to spiritual peace and love.
(iv) Ace of Cups and the Tetragrammaton
The Tetragrammaton represents the four-fold nature of God and is used many times in original scripture found in the dead sea scrolls (see image below), but has been removed from modern translations. It translates to Jehovah.
The card represents the Hé Primal of the Tetragrammaton, the feminine principle of God, the channel for the raw energy and power of the Ace of Wands.
Crowley’s says the Aces are the SEEDS of the element and therefore represent POTENTIAL events or life direction.
The cups suit embody the experiences of relationships, pursuit of happiness, love, fulfilment, pleasure, but we cannot have these experiences without the opposites.
With relationships we are seeking to become whole by finding in others what gives us pleasure that we are lacking on our own.
The scalloped lines in the card are very similar to those in the PRINCESS OF CUPS (each Ace has an important relationship with the Princess of the suit which is represented by the Hé Final of the Tetragrammaton:
(v) Ace of Cups, Tree of Life and Four Worlds
Tree of Life
The Ace of Cups, like all the Aces is associated with the first sephiroth KETHER of the Supernal Triangle:
Kether = the unity, spirit, potential, seed and source of creation. The Ace of Cups therefore represents the potential of the rest of the suit of Cups which have yet to come into existence. The Ace of Cups contains the promise and possibility of the remaining cups.
Path 1 Hidden Intelligence = that intelligence which lies behind all of creation, hidden in a world of illusion and separation.
The Four Worlds
The Ace of Cups is associated with Kether in the second world of Briah:
(vi) Ace of Cups Numerology
Number 1 (Monad) Ace of Cups = perfect unity with NO dimensions of its own (see Leibniz Monadology). However, when combined with other points it has the power to express its potential by creating new dimensions. Thus the Ace of Cups represents the PURE POTENTIAL of KETHER prior to it being expressed in the remaining cards of the suit of Cups.
Only when 2 points are connected do we get a one dimensional surface.
(vii) Ace of Cups and the Decan Wheel
The Ace of Cups, along with the Princess of Cups, rules the Libra- Scorpio – Sagittarius quadrant above the North Pole, and the area of the Pacific.
(viii) Ace of Cups Symbolism
A summary of the associated symbolism of the Ace of Cups is shown in the image below:
Ray of Light = the white light of Kether in Briah descends into the cup. When it reaches the water of life within the cup we get :
Reflections/Refractions of light = colours which make up the ‘potential of all that can manifest’. This is very similar to the prism analogy:
Lotuses = note there are 2 in 1 (as Crowley states) not just the one lotus! This also brings us back to the equation 0=2 which was explained in the notes for the 2 of disks.
Blue Cup = (Blue = wisdom; cup = love) and the channel for Kether. The cup contains the energy from the 2 lotuses in one as duality or opposites in their potential unmanifested state. When expressed within the suit they make up the world of emotional experiences the cups represent.
3 circles on the cup = 3 Aeons of the Book of the Law (Isis, Osiris & Horus).These circles also appear in the Hierophant Card of the Major Arcana:
The 3 Aeons are represented on the cup or ‘Holy Grail’ which was believed to contain the elixir of eternal life. This was represented by the traditional Holy Grail of the Older Aeons but in the New Aeon of Horus, Crowley associated it with the Scarlett Woman of Babalon:
The First Aeon of Osiris was associated with the dying God, and the Grail was reportedly used by Christ at the last supper:
Twisted handles = represented by 2 snakes entwined. Snakes represent regeneration. So in this context they represent love which rejuvenates itself. It needs nothing but itself. This relates to spiritual love which can be accessed by our spiritual practise.
Dark Background in corners = dark sea of Binah similar to Three of Disks :
(ix) The Ace of Cups as a Channel
In order to understand this card we need to become the Ace of Cups in order to be a channel for spirit and then giving out into the world. It involves an internal surrender to the intelligence of higher planes of consciousness.
The open cup is symbolic of opening our heart to LOVE which exists within all levels of creation. Having established our individuality as an adult this card represents the beginning of returning the soul back to source & dissolving our identity to merge with the unifying Oneness of Universal Love.
This channel needs to be cultivated by opening our heart in spiritual practise and surrendering our small self to the divine.
In readings, this opening of the heart can be represented in terms of our daily life experiences and examples are given below.
(x) Divinatory Meanings of the Ace of Cups
You are longing for your cup of life to be filled. You may not know what it is that you are searching for at the moment, so just open to all possibilities. Something to fulfil you on a heart level.
Be prepared to be vulnerable because as well as opening to the possibility of love you are also opening yourself to the possible pain and sorrow of others and yourself
An overall feeling of being and becoming open, empathic, loving. You are aligning with the open channel that is the Ace of Cups.
Examples of things we could be open to could be a spiritual path, a relationship, obtaining a deeper meaning to your life in some way.
Divine love and compassion are pouring through you. You are a conduit for deep, spiritual love from the Universe, and that love flows through you and out into the world.
See this as a time of giving and make the most of any opportunity to help others.
Reversed can indicate the need for more self-love before giving to others.
Fearful about being open to life and other people perhaps due to previous trauma.
If you are not ready to be open to others emotionally, then you can always work on the privately through counselling, self-journaling, or talking to people close to you that you trust.
(xi) Ace of Cups Throughout The Celtic Cross
Card 1: Central Theme of the Spread: You are ready to open up to something new and inspiring even though you may not know exactly what it is at this time
Card 2: Crossing Influences: Something or someone is preventing you from openly expressing your love of life.
Card 3: Subconscious Influences: Have you assessed your own self love, self worth ? This is a reminder.
Card 4: Recent Past Affecting the Situation: (if reversed) previous trauma preventing you from being emotionally open in the present.
Card 5: Hopes and Goals: to find something or someone to make life more meaningful and have more love in your life on all levels.
Card 6: Immediate Future: A new opportunity is potentially on your way soon so be open to new beginnings that will enhance your life, making you more loving and open.
Card 7: How you are affecting your situation: You are a source of empathy and support for those that need it.
Card 8: How others are affecting your situation: (if reversed) someone is not appreciating your love and openness or are closed of to their own self-worth.
Card 9: Guidance or Warning: With openness to love also comes the experience of sorrow and loss. Be prepared for both sides of the coin.
Card 10: Overall outcome: look upon all of your life experiences as a learning curve leading you up to this point. If you are open with your heart, you will align to new possibilities and insights such as in your relationships and spiritual path.
(xii) Affirmation for the Ace of Cups
1 My life is filled with unconditional spiritual love
Thank you such an enlightening explanation! I asked the cards to show me what I needed to know for my highest good and I pulled The Lovers card. When I asked for clarification and more information about this, I pulled the Ace of Cups and Lust. I am feeling like these three cards are alerting me to a new love, but I would appreciate any more insight!
I received ace cups 3 times in random drawing. 3 times today. Single card. Still struggling with letting go of negative relationship yet opening spirit to who I have always been. This is so hard yet this gives me hope