A Practical Study of Past Lives & Reincarnation Part 3

This article entitled ‘A Practical Study of Past Lives & Reincarnation Part 3 ’ is the third in a 4 part series covering an extensive project by members of the Lifewave Meditation Group in the 1980s. Various people (who had been Initiated into the Spiritual Light and Sound) were regressed back to previous lives and this process revealed extensive information on the development of their own soul as well as information about the spiritual planes of consciousness and The Hierarchy of Beings. Their names have been removed to preserve anonymity

We have said that with past life regression the past is laid bare, like a great scene into which one is privileged to see. Interestingly all the subjects went back to look at civilisations of great value to them, notably the Egyptian and the Chinese. The importance of these is seen when we understand that both these societies provided means of self-development for all and were run along wholly spiritual lines Because of this they were successful for far in excess of 10,000 years each. All subjects expressed joy to have lived in such places, because they were run in ways harmonious to the mind and devoted to peace and beauty.

Such spiritual societies stand out in time like bright jewels in a land of stone. It is unwise to live in the past, but such eras offer food for thought in these difficult days. Imagine a society in which death holds no fears, being closely known about. It does not take much of a stretch of the mind to realise the implications that come from the knowledge spoken about with past life regression. These old societies went even further and practised the lore that

“all life is to teach the soul about its divine nature”.

Today’s society, wherever in the world, teaches much about the material nature but little about the divine. From the view of higher meditation these are totally opposite to one another. A knowledge of the divine brings with it a freedom that enables all aspects of this material life to be dealt with so successfully. Not a bad thing today!




We have said we do not wish to live in the past but we must learn the lessons that are taught in the distant days of Egypt and China. To do this we will consider the case of Subject 7, a housewife from Southampton.

“I live in Egypt about 40,000 years ago, in the time of a Pharaoh that I never saw. I am a servant girl, Tulla, to a High Priestess. My life is so uncomplicated, pure and happy. The spirituality of these times allows each person to live like this. The realisation that everyone is a servant of the most high is in each person’s mind. I live in a house with my friend, Sahira, my present friend Sarah, and serve happily and with devotion the High Priestess, who I also know now.

The Pharaoh is an incarnation of God, and there is no doubt of this, for he holds the keys to higher development. Through Him the priests teach spirituality and those chosen are initiated into the divine realms of the Pharaoh. The population serves the society with happiness, knowing that the higher truths they are there for, will be revealed in the fullness of time. Because of the Pharoah’s teaching everyone is joined in a brotherhood making difficulty and strife, both personal and civil, unknown”.

Such a story paints a picture of an Egypt that seems remarkably bright, too good to be true! Yet the research does indicate at this time a very well run, disciplined society, with 90% of all subjects returning there. The question has to be asked how such a powerful society could be maintained in the very adverse conditions of the time, with many warring factions turning their strength against Egypt.

The answer undoubtedly lay in the spiritual science taught there, for it is this that has so strongly influenced, and been so often remarked upon by those returning to High Egypt. The difficulty with examining this old society is that it existed more than 25,000 years ago, historical evidence being rather vague over such a time period. The old Pharaohs were considered to be the sun, the solar orb made flesh. A variety of reasons are put forward for this. Firstly, that the Pharaoh in guiding the society wisely ‘gave light’ to it. Secondly, the sun in a society with a farming base gave all life its source and so the Pharaoh was the sun because he had power of life over his people. The third reason goes the closest towards the truth. This is that the Pharaoh as spiritual head of the culture represented the spiritual sun of God.

Now, at this stage let us reconsider one of the points made earlier about the psychic nature of people. We said that the farther one passes away from matter into higher spiritual realms then the more spiritual energy we encounter. This spiritual energy is to be seen as light, as is proven by the after death states where subjects passed into regions of light. Proven also by the operating table’ deaths where patients temporarily died, again passing into regions of light. Interestingly we also find a feature of these experiences to be a rumbling sound. We start  to realise that the spiritual worlds have a definite nature that is very tangible. This is of great value in a world where religious experience is as vague and unscientific as it is today.

 All the subjects that went back into Egyptian priest lives saw that their meditation revolved around Light and Sound, the very essence of spirituality known only after death today. So did these old priests know something that is lost now? Indeed they must for we find such a unanimity on this point amongst the subjects. The relevance then of the Pharoan tradition is clear for he represented the living form of these inner energies and was so revered because he actually enabled his priests to contact and make use of his power. And so the Pharaoh was seen as the most high adept having mastery of the inner worlds. It was this mastery that enabled him to govern and rule Egypt in such a powerful way through his hierarchy.

The Pharaoh, or Sun God, was seen in all quarters of his realm to be good, to be served with love and devotion. All people in His kingdom were happy because they realised the value of having such a being as their leader. He united all people because he was the highest nature of all, the spiritual souce in ereryone. So, through past life regression, we gain a fascinating insight into the background of the success of this ancient kingdom of High Egypt.

It is worth mentioning a little about the hierarchy, the priest schools of the time, since they played such a significant role. The lower temples of Egypt radiated out around the Great Pyramid, being actually linked to it in many cases. This was important because they were used to channel and direct certain powers, derived from the pyramid itself. Today much is known about this structure, but little about its real usage. It may be surprising to discover that it was built some three million years ago with the specific purpose of amplifying energy in the earth’s aura. For this reason it was built over what was then one of the earth’s major chakras or energy centres. The purpose of this being to enable changes to take place in the earth’s aura to help the humanity of the time.

The Egyptians at this time took this further by taking the broad, powerful ‘signals’ from Cheops and splitting them down into more manageable units. So it was easy then to use these powers for furthering Egypt as a nation. The temples acted as ‘transformers’ to step down very strong energies into lesser ones. The priests in each temple were adept at using these energies. Today it is little guessed the extent to which ‘unseen forces’ dictate our world. We see broad trends in the psychology of nations that are in fact governed by subtle powers.

It matters little how much man strives towards his goals, if he fails to recognise these forces, he will always be frustrated. Jung recognised something of this when he dubbed them the collective unconscious. Really we are dealing with the collective ‘mind’ of the planet Earth itself, a force far greater than man. As a consequence his destiny never runs smoothly because of this failure to expand the mind, as the Egyptians did, and recognise what are really forces of nature in a subtler guise.

These forces are split into ‘seven rays’ like the seven colours of the rainbow, emanating from the ‘broad’ amplified Cheops (main pyramid) Energy. The temples were dedicated to knowing and understanding each ‘ray’, being decorated with its colour. The priests also wore their temple ray colours and arranged themselves into a hierarchy, entered usually at the age of seven. At the peak of Egypt as much as one third of the population, male and female, spent some time in the temples, receiving their education there. Several hundred such temples existed, for various purposes, but all to the ends of bettering society.

Today, by contrast, politicians try to govern forces that they know nothing of and it is of no wonder that they fail in their task. Always the old societies were governed by a priesthood that had an intimate grasp of all the forces of the world.

Finally, the single most important point of this society was the tremendous happiness felt by all subjects going back there. Surely the success of a society is seen if the simplest worker in the fields is as happy as the highest priest in the hierarchy. The lesson to be learnt is that every person in society has a right to the psychological freedoms that his inner nature desires. Today, this is available to the elite few, who through luck or circumstance, are able to live a completely fulfilled life. The spirituality taught in Egypt provides an answer by enabling each person, whatever his station in life, to find happiness.

The historical content of these regressions goes far beyond the scope of mere detail such as we have mentioned. A deep insight into the structure of the world itself is gained, opening up mysteries for the scientists to pour over!

Take this quotation from one of the subjects:

“I am back in Egypt at a time when the sky is red and the sun is purple.”

Surely this must raised a few eyebrows. We must remember that the time we are dealing with here is actually 30,000 years ago. Indeed, as we pass back into the ‘mists’ of time we find the nature of the earth becomes very different.


In this the ‘scientific’ society, this civilisation is inconceivable. Yet why does such information consistently occur? Past Life Regression (PLR) has failed so far to answer the questions raised by these insights. If we are to accept the evidence of (PLR) at all then we must fully consider the far memories like those of ancient China. This surely is the most challenging area of regression research for it reveals the planet earth to be a very different place.

The account just given shows an earth and a humanity that have unthought of qualities. Currently esoteric thought views both planet earth and its races to have ‘crystallised’ into being from more ethereal states. From the evidence it would seem that this is quite true. For light to emanate from the environment we must consider a higher energy content, unknown today, that works through otherwise solid matter. Yet energy and matter are polar opposites; the less matter, more energy; the less energy, more matter. This equation is born out in the ‘clinical deaths’ recorded earlier. As the person dematerialises out of his body he goes into regions of Light, as he materialises back then he comes away from these regions. So from our evidence it would seem that the earth itself has been ‘born’ from finer levels and actually was less solid in its nature than it is now.

The changes in colour of the sun and sky are to be seen as linked to the materialisation that has taken place. Indeed it is possible to go back to a period when the sun itself was not visible from the earth. This is because all the heavenly bodies have their own cycles of development and may be on such differing levels that they are at times hidden from one another. The energies involved in the earth’s development are like the colours splitting off from white light. So it is that the sky, sun and humanity go through varying colours with the passage of time. The races of man have been quite different colours in the past.

The science concerned with all this development is hard to grasp because it involves far more than just understanding. Instead it depends upon opening up quite different faculties in the mind. These faculties have enormous scope but that is because man is a very different creature to what is thought. Common science for all its intricacy is based upon the belief that man is small and limited, living just threescore year and ten. A science based upon the infinite capacity of man’s mind would be very potent but would rest upon a real grasp of man’s true nature through self development. Past Life Regression has enabled us to plumb some of the depths of man’s being. We have easily passed back through an astonishing two hundred million years and could still continue. The ‘overview’ that this brings is mind shattering. The biggest problem for man today is to be able to think in a big enough way. Every seminar encourages its students to do the very same thing – think big! Yet this vastness is carried in the mind of man; everyone containing echoes of their magnificent past just waiting to be tapped.




Let us look now at an account of the Chinese civilisation some three million years ago. Subject 8 is a student from Southampton and says:

“The whole atmosphere is full of light, coming from the buildings and the ground as a soft warm glow. Everybody is able to see auras to some degree and can astral travel. The sky here is yellow and the sun is blue.”

As we pass into the young earth phases then time takes on a new meaning. The sun, cornerstone of solar time, was quite different in the past; the planet being less solid also introduces an entirely different notion of duration. Because the planet was less dense then so too was man’s body enabling more life energy to be tapped.

From the accounts of Subject 9, a medical student from Southampton, we see the consequences of this:

“I am a priest in the chinese civilization, some 3 million years ago. I practise meditation and am a sorcerer, I live to be 900 years old.”

In present earth years the earth started to form some twenty million years ago. Contrary to expectation the first races also arrived at about this time. But the truth is that it is the potent energies of the races themselves that shape, indeed make, the planet. This astonishing idea has to be considered in the light of the many millions of years of man’s presence here, particularly the different forms he has taken. The gross physical body that science pays so much attention to is of recent origin, revealing nothing about man’s nature. Again the only sure way of knowing anything of prehistory is to use the link common to all, the soul knowledge of man.

People’s abilities today are quite tame, due largely to the grossness of the body. Nevertheless we find that there have been yogis who can manifest objects out of the air. The Russians have a woman who can move objects around by the power of thought and there are still good clairvoyants to be found.

The hard thing to realise is that the powers of man’s past have not really disappeared. Techniques are still available that give access to these abilities and we are now in a very good position to start to use them. The past enabled different abilities to be developed, there have been definite astral states in which this vehicle has been brought to fruition. Each era in the past has been to bring about a particular development which is used in some way in later eras. We are now in an era where mental abilities have been developed, as, can be seen with the technological sophistry of the age. Yet each era swings full cycle and it is hard to see, in developmental terms, that man can progress much more beyond this (editors note.. the digital age had yet to arrive). The present frustrations of war and strife bear witness to this. It is the clear responsibility of every man and woman to pierce through the illusion of life, use the abilities they have, and help bring about a new direction to this world.


A Practical Study of Past Lives & Reincarnation Part 3
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