Uranus in Astrology Introduction
This article discusses the role of Uranus in Astrology, in particular its rulership, dignity, exaltation and fall, and also its role in the evolution of the soul. As the first planet to be discovered after Saturn, its presence indicated the vast space of the solar system. Astrologically, it is associated with freedom,independence and a strong will. It is also said to be a higher octave of Mercury, more associated with abstract thinking or higher mind, compared to the rational mind Mercury is related to.
Time to transit the zodiac: about 84 years.
Time in Each Sign: Approx 7 years.
The axis of Uranus is tilted at an angle of 98-degrees compared to the Sun’s orbital plane. While the rest of the planets in the Solar System can be thought of like spinning tops, Uranus is more like a rolling ball going around the Sun as seen on the left image. Similarly, the Uranus Ray makes people under its influence feel different and gives them an unusual sense of independence.
Glyph of Uranus in Astrology
There are two symbols for Uranus. The most commonly used one is a circle connected to an H (♅), which stands for Herschel (the man who discovered the planet in 1781). The ‘H’ can be stylized so that it is a cross connecting two crescents on either side of a circle.
The cross of matter is now open to both left-brain (artistic) and right-brain (scientific) perceptions and is rooted in the spirit of the collective unconscious (circle). This complex glyph indicates rapid, intuitive insights that we experience as “flashes of wisdom” and provides us with new realisations outside our usual limits. It is not unlike the radio or television antenna that brings in signals from afar that stimulate us with new ideas and indeed, Uranus is linked with electricity and its forms of communication.
The second, less commonly used glyph, is a combination of the alchemy symbols for iron and gold, which make platinum (⛢).
The arrow on top of a solar circle, gives another perspective on Uranus, that it is spirit and vitality (of the Sun) directed with willpower upward toward ideals, in a spontaneous manner. There is similarity with the Mars glyph also, but with Uranus the energies are directed straight upward toward the super conscious. The higher vibrations of Uranus are very spiritual in nature.
Mythology of Uranus
Uranus ruled the universe, and his name means ‘sky’ or ‘heaven’. He literally was the sky, which the Greeks envisioned as a brass dome studded with stars. He was the husband of GAIA, or Earth. He was not only her husband, but her son.In some stories Gaia, who is the mother of all living things, conceived him without a father. This relationship between the heavens (Uranus) and Earth (Gaia) has been the subject of many paintings and detailed mythology.
In the same way that the heavens or space was important to Uranus, so the concepts of space and freedom are associated with people under the influence of the ray of Uranus.
Uranus as a Generational Planet
Uranus in astrology is considered the first generational planet due to the length of time it spends in each sign (7 to 8 years). This means that its influence in the natal chart is not unique to the individual but acts on many people over that time period, all coming under the influence of its ray.
Generational planets form unique identity groups within the masses by differentiating themselves from everyone else. This planet represents a generation’s rebelliousness, individuality, invention and reinvention. It acts on high intellectual ideals and strong emotional impulses, characterizing the “rebellious teenager” archetype.
However, the tendency for Uranus to overthrow the past is often counter balanced with the more pragmatic and responsible Saturn.
If Uranus is aspected to one of the personal planets or if there are close relationships between Uranus and the angles of the natal chart, then its energy will be more prominent in the person’s life.
Uranus in Astrology Keywords
The Ray of Uranus in Astrology
Balanced Uranus
A well placed Uranus allows for the discovery of new inventions and innovations that bring new life to outworn structures and concepts and points our energies toward the future with an improved understanding.
The healthy or mature Uranus, alternatively, starts a revolution for a righteous cause and breaks down barriers in the name of equality. It is a force of positive, uplifting change, battling racism, sexism, poverty, and sexual discrimination. Uranus, at its core, builds compassion and acceptance for all members of a society. It is freedom-loving & truth-seeking, qualities which are all associated with the sign that it rules, namely Aquarius.
The Ray of Uranus has been described as ‘Awakener’ or lightening flash forcing sudden or unexpected change in peoples lives. It is like a bolt of electricity charging through our consciousness. It brings forth the illumination of truth so we can evolve our consciousness out of its slumber.
This energy also bestows the need for freedom and independence from outdated structures of society, or the need for conforming to norms.
Many great reformers, musicians and poets have Uranus emphasized in their charts:
Example : Mozart
His massing of planets in Aquarius, with the majority of them in the 5th house of creativity, plus the prominent angular Uranus on the South Node imply that freedom and individuality were his major priorities. Mozart was eccentric, idealistic, defiant, and one of Western music’s most staggeringly prolific geniuses.
Uranus acts on the physical emotional and mental planes:
- Physically: disruption of plans, unexpected events. These may appear catastrophic and disruptive but they have the potential of leading to new insights and spiritual illumination.
- Emotionally: sudden loss or separation and the difference between the love found in higher planes of consciousness and that of a worldly, desire nature.
- Mentally: Flashes of inspiration, search for higher goals, inventors, astrologers, healers and scientists.
Although Uranus has links with brotherhood (as ruler of Aquarius), it is strongly linked to individuality with people under its influence having to find universal truths in their own unique way.
In its highest aspect the Uranus Ray guides the soul to resolve the conflict within the lower nature.
Imbalanced Uranus
Without grounding, the electricity of Uranus can trigger destructive or explosive energies.
The unhealthy or immature Uranus, is a planet which believes that radically changing every aspect of their culture is the only way to liberate a society from its repressive norms. The unpredictable, unsteady, unorthodox nature of Uranus starts a revolution, even a war, if it sees it as the only way to make important changes in society. But not everything that is conventional or established is inherently bad, and deserving of violent destruction.
If the influence of Uranus is powerful but imbalanced elsewhere in the chart, it can causes the individual to become fixated and dogmatic in their views. They may be forceful with others to follow their specific path and the free will of others is thus compromised. Insight gives way to eccentricity and poor judgement.
Uranus and Soul Evolution
Spiritually, Uranus is linked with the breaking down of self-centeredness and self-interest and the release of the soul into a wider range of experience and knowledge. Even though the changes which it brings about can sometimes be traumatic, it is ultimately a process of freeing the soul into a higher state of consciousness and evolution.
Uranus in Exaltation Detriment and Fall
Uranus was discovered at the end of the 18th Century, and so has no traditional Rulership or Exaltation. Most astrologers agree that it should be Ruled by Aquarius with exaltation in Scorpio, detriment in Leo and fall in Taurus.
Knowledge confirmed : 2/3/1985.