Thoth Hierophant Tarot Card Tutorial

My new YouTube channel is: Thoth Tarot Videos. The Thoth Hierophant Video can be viewed clicking the image link below:

thoth hierophant


(ii) Thoth Hierophant

Hierophant = one who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. There are many symbols in this card and we will go through them systematically below. 

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(iii) Rider Waite Hierophant

The Rider Waite Hierophant Tarot Card shows a religious figure sitting between two pillars of a sacred temple with two figures kneeling before him. He appears to be giving them spiritual instruction.

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(iv) Thoth Hierophant & The Tree of Life


Path 16: Eternal Intelligence

The sixteenth path sees the Hierophant form a bridge between the Supernal Triangle and the remaining sephira. This path is associated with the Hierophant ‘hearing’ the Divine Will from above and transmitting it without bias.


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 The Thoth Hierophant occupies the position between Chokmah and Chesed on the Tree of Life. This path may be summarised by the statement: “The learning and teaching of cosmic law”. The wisdom and force which flows through Chokmah, the second sephiroth, is organised in the fourth sephiroth Chesed into the word of God giving us structure, traditions and organisations that are classically associated with religious groups.


(v) Thoth Hierophant Hebrew & Astrological Attributions

Hebrew Attributions

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The Hebrew association is Vau meaning NAIL = that which joins. So the Hierophant joins the macrocosm (universe) with the microcosm (the spiritual seeker) through esoteric teaching.


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Vau = 6 or hexagram representing the macrocosm:

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The cross being the unfolded cube, the 7th side is the hidden dimension which is spirit.

Astrological Attributions

Associated with Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible, material aspects of life, and this means the Hierophant represents teachings though books, internet, spiritual study, classes and physical masters on the earth plane.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and is the planet in which the Moon is Exalted or at its most potent. This gives a subconscious or meditative quality to the Hierophant. So the ‘hearing’ talked about above is concerned with information coming from the spiritual realms.


(vi) Thoth Hierophant Symbolism

We can split the symbolism into 4 sections covering the background of the card, The Hierophant, Isis and Horus, all of which are represented in the image below:

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  1. Background

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Background = dark blue representing NUIT = from which everything is born. Nuit in the Aeon card below is the dark N-shaped figure.


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She represents the All, pure potentiality both as it flowers into the physical universe and as it resides beyond embodiment.” (Wikipedia)





Snake and Dove around window = snake (internal, kundalini, goes from lower spine upwards through 1000 petal lotus, dove = spirit coming into matter). So both together represent the ever flowing energy between spirit and matter. They also link with the planet Mars and the Tower Card, which Mars has rulership. They are seen in the image below:

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9 Nails = There are 9 nails in the top background of the card which fix the oriel (window) where the light from the higher sephira (The Supernal Triangle shines through to the spiritual seeker:

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Nine is also the number of the Ninth Sephiroth, YESOD ruled by the Moon. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and Taurus rules the Hierophant.

Rose = Venus so it is LOVE that unites the higher and lower of creation. 

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4 cherubs in corners = fixed signs of the zodiac and has been seen in church windows:

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Geometrical Shapes = The Hierophant has a hexagram imposed upon him and within the hexagram is an inverted pentagram, which in turn contains an upright pentagram. This symbolises the union of the macrocosm (hexagram) with the microcosm (man, 5 senses and the pentagram):

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2. Hierophant


Crown = of Osiris as seen below

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Hierophant’s Staff = The Thoth Hierophant is a glyph of the 3 Aeons as is represented by the staff in his right hand as shown below. For a summary of the 3 aeons please read my article on this subject here. The 3 interlocking rings stand for the 3 Thelemic Aeons Isis, Osiris and Horus.

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Upper Ring = scarlet = HORUS

2 Lower Rings = green for ISIS, pale yellow for OSIRIS (Crowley mentioned these colours in the Book of Thoth but the colours are not seen in the card. Horus represents the most recent Aeon and so is logically on the top.

Blessing Sign = made by left hand. He has 2 fingers pointing up and 2 fingers pointing down. He is therefore forming a bridge between heaven and earth similar to the gesture of the Rider Waite Magician:

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Throne = of a Bull symbolising Taurus which is an earth sign. This represents the grounding of his esoteric teachings on the earthly plane so that he teaches in a practical way to the masses.





His link with Taurus is also associated with Apis, the Bull God of Memphis.




Elephants = on the outside of the Hierophant are also associated with Taurus, being beasts of burden.


3. Isis (Venus, Scarlet Woman)

Isis = Venus but not passive as she is traditionally, but armed with a sword. Represents the Scarlet Woman of the New Aeon of Horus, on a par with her male counterpart.

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Sword = represents the phallus. The Moon astrologically is exalted in Taurus, and the influence of the Moon is therefore represented by the woman but also the 9 nails at the top of the card. If you look at the Tree of Life diagram above, the 9th sephiroth Yesod, is ruled by the Moon.

She is related to the 5 petal rose seen in the window above. The moon and bow links her with the Priestess, both carry Armetis Bow:

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4. Child of Horus

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Child of Horus = emanates from the woman and appears in the 5 pointed star on the Hierophant. The woman represents Isis, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. Thus we have the 3 aeons represented again.

Horus dances and is playful with an open body, whereas the 2 adult figures are somewhat rigid. He is the son, or Vav of the Tetragrammaton, like the Hebrew association of the Hierophant himself:

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Sandal Strap = Horus has a sandal strap on the right foot symbolic of the fifth power of the Sphynx, To GO.


thoth hierophantThe 5 powers of the sphinx are:

  1. To Know
  2. To Dare
  3. To Will
  4. To Keep Silent
  5. To Go, Spirit (added by Crowley). Spirit = freedom like the dancing child.

The first 4 correspond to the 4 elements.

Upright Pentagram = containing the child of Horus is within the pentagram similar to the image below implying the GOLDEN RATIO:

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Golden Ratio = PHI = can be thought of as the number of Beauty, of perfect proportion and hence Harmony.
Required in the Great Pyramid (which is why the base is actually 8 sided) to set up communication with higher dimensions. Also features in growth patterns in plants.

Child of Horus = the new Aeon of Horus with an increased consciousness of mankind. With the hexagram (macrocosm) and pentagram (microcosm) together in this card it means that the Thoth Hierophant is symbolising spirit being brought down into the world through teachings which are far different to orthodox religion. The child dances, he is set free, not restrained by religious boundaries.



(vii) The Emperor to Hierophant Transition

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The Emperor stands for leadership, responsibility, self control, discipline and focus which we talked about in the previous video. It is taking command of your spiritual path and actions. The Hierophant emphasises the importance of applying ones spiritual realisations in the day to day world as he links the two. He represents our spiritual group, and rules of conduct on our path (some paths have their members being free of meat and alcohol for instance). He also represents our self study of spiritual topics. Many of the cards represent internal change whereas the Hierophant is concerned with external actions and how we apply our knowledge.



 (viii) The Hierophant and High Priestess Compared

Hierophant = our outer guide: practical spiritual actions, structuring our lives, reading spiritual books, having a spiritual master, going to church, going on spiritual courses, learning traditions in our quest for knowledge. He connects the will of God (Chokmah) into structure (Chesed).

Priestess = our inner guide, using intuition, meditation, connecting with our source. Connected DIRECTLY to Kether.


(ix) Thoth Hierophant Divinatory Meanings

Thoth Hierophant Upright

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Traditional religious teachings, or learning the fundamentals of a subject before moving on to make your own decisions (in the Lovers Card)

Indicates the need to follow rules, regulations or traditions in your life. These can be beneficial in that they give our lives structure and meaning and often relates to membership of a group or organisation.

A period of intense learning and education such as going to university, night class, learning a trade.

Indicates the need to follow ‘tried and trusted’ means of success rather than going out at a tangent and following novel ideas to solve a problem. Suggesting a ‘grounded’ path forward.

Becoming a mentor to others and teaching the fundamentals of a subject. Giving people an overall foundation and structure in the subject matter.

Marriage (it’s also an institution) or a position in a company where there is an established order.



Thoth Hierophant Reversed

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We are trapped by following religion or doctrine blindly without questioning its purpose, or in conflict with it.

Problems in the workplace due to rules and restrictions stopping us from reaching our potential.

A spiritual master who is over controlling and now allowing personal freedom.

Too much reliance on traditional teachings (spiritual or otherwise) and not following our inner guide and intuition (High Priestess).

We have lost control over the structure of our life. We may now be rebelling against the social norms which the hierophant in his lowest aspect stands for. So we refuse to fit in with what society expects of us.

Going off at a tangent when problem solving and not sticking to tried and tested methods.



(x) Thoth Hierophant in the Celtic Cross Spread

thoth hierophant 

1: Heart of the Situation = learning about spiritual matters is upmost in the querent’s mind.

2: Possible obstacle = trapped by religious doctrine or a repressive work environment.

3: Unconscious Influences = feeling the need to conform to societies rules.

4: Recent Past = a period of intense learning, university etc.

5: Hopes and goals = to be part of a spiritual group and having people to relate to. Seeking wisdom!

6: Short Term Future = may find a spiritual teacher or group useful at this time

7: Our Self Image = struggle fitting into societies norms

8: Environment = giving you structure and security but lacks the flexibility to give you freedom to think for yourself enough.

9: Guidance & Warning = the need to connect with your inner guide and develop your ‘spiritual ear’ as well as listening to the advice to others. Connection with our higher self will give us a greater freedom than always following the advice of others.

10: Overall Outcome = Becoming a teacher ( spiritual, academic or vocational) where you are mentoring others and passing on your wisdom and learning. Giving people more structure and meaning to their life.



(xi) Thoth Hierophant Video Links

MarVeena Meek

Paul Hughes Barlow




Thoth Hierophant Tarot Card Tutorial
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